هاآرتص - محسن سازگارا بنیانگذار سپاه پاسداران انقلاب درایران و معاون
سابق نخست وزیر از یهودیان آمریکا خواسته است به جای تمرکز بر روی برنامه
هسته ای ایران به فکرتغییر رژیم درایران باشند.سازگارا درجریان یک حضور از
پیش اعلام نشده درجلسه روسای سازمانهای یهودیان آمریکا این مطالب را عنوان
کرد. وی تا به حال چهار بار به زندان رفته و درسال ۲۰۰۳ با تبعید ...
Mohsen Sazegara, one of the founders of the Iranian
Revolutionary Guards and a former Deputy Prime Minister of Iran, has
called on U.S. Jews to help refocus U.S. Administration efforts away
from Iran’s nuclear program and toward changing the regime.
In an unprecedented appearance before the Conference of Presidents of
Major Jewish Organizations Sazegara – who was jailed four time in Tehran
and went into exile in 2003 – said that Iran is “on the brink of
implosion” because of a combination of the international sanctions and
internal mismanagement by the government.
Sazegara chastised the Obama Administration’s decision not to intervene
in the 2009 Green Revolution, describing it as “a great
disappointment”. But he said that “beneath the surface there is a great
anger burning across the land” and that the time has come to “reignite
the revolution.”
Sazegara said that the U.S. was “focused on the wrong course” in its
dealings with Tehran, because the regime “will never give up its nuclear
program.” The only recourse, he said, was to “reach over their heads”
to the Iranian people and to encourage a change in the regime.
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