۱۳۹۰ بهمن ۲۰, پنجشنبه
Israel's president sends message of peace to Iran
JERUSALEM (AP) — Israel's president reached out to the Iranian people with a message of peace Wednesday, as the West tightened sanctions over Iran's nuclear program, and a former Israeli spymaster said Israel is not in mortal danger.
Shimon Peres, an elder statesmen who is a Nobel Peace laureate, appealed to the people of Iran to look beyond the current crisis.
The U.S., Israel and the West believe Iran is trying to produce nuclear weapons. Iran denies that. This week the U.S. cranked up its sanctions on Iran to try to force it to stop its uranium enrichment, but Iran responded with defiance.
Speaking at a ceremony marking the 63rd anniversary of the founding of Israel's parliament, Peres directed his remarks to the people of Iran.
"We were not born enemies, and there is no need to live as enemies. Do not allow the flags of hostility to cast a dark shadow over your historic heritage," Peres said. "Your people are a sensitive people that aspire for friendship and peace, and not for conflicts and wars."
Israel and Iran had close relations before the Islamic Revolution in 1979.
Peres spokeswoman Ayelet Frisch said he had fond memories of Iran then.
"Peres is one of the few people in Israel who remember the warm ties between the two countries. He visited a few times before the revolution, he walked the streets of Tehran, ate at restaurants there and had many Iranian friends," she told the Associated Press.
In contrast to his message to the people, Peres denounced the Iranian regime.
"Iran is not only a threat for Israel, it constitutes a real danger to humanity as a whole," Peres said about the Iranian nuclear program. "The present Iranian regime is Imperialism-hungry, aspiring to be the region's supreme ruler," he said.
Peres, 88, fills a mostly ceremonial post as Israel's president. He spoke after U.S. officials expressed concern that Israel might attack Iran's nuclear facilities in the spring. Israel's leaders rank Iran as their greatest threat because of its nuclear and missile development programs, frequent references by its leaders to Israel's destruction and support for violent anti-Israel groups like Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in the West Bank and Gaza.
Earlier Wednesday, Meir Dagan, the former head of the Mossad spy agency said he does not believe Israel faces an existential threat from Iran, a view that contrasts with Israel's prime minister and other leaders.
Since retiring a year ago, Dagan has become a surprisingly vocal critic, repeatedly and publicly accusing Israel's top leaders of irresponsibly pushing for an attack on Iran.
At the launch of an electoral reform movement he chairs, he observed, "I don't think there is an existential threat." He did not specifically mention Iran, but the use of the phrase "existential threat" in Israel generally refers to Iran.
Although Israel says it hopes deepening economic sanctions will pressure Tehran to curb its nuclear ambitions, Israeli leaders haven't ruled out military action, routinely observing that "all options are on the table.
ضمن “شیطان” توصیف کردن رهبران ایران, پیام دوستی رئیس جمهور اسرائیل به ایرانی ها

پرز که به مناسبت شصت و سومین سالگرد تاسیس پارلمان اسرائیل (کنیست) سخن می گفت افزود: “ما دشمن زاده نمی شویم و نیازی به دشمنی نداریم.”
رئیس جمهور اسرائیل مردم ایران را خطاب قرار داد و گفت: “اجازه ندهید رسانه ها سایه دشمنی را بر تاریخ و تمدن بگسترانند.”
رئیس جمهور اسرائیل مردم ایران را خطاب قرار داد و گفت: “اجازه ندهید رسانه ها سایه دشمنی را بر تاریخ و تمدن بگسترانند.”
او در ادامه افزود: “ملت ایران ملت با احساسی است که در پی صلح و آشتی است و نه تنش و جنگ.”
وی در این سخنرانی ضمن شیطان توصیف کردن رهبران ایران گفت “رهبران شیطان ایران نبایدبه سلاح هسته ای مجهز شوند .”
وی در این سخنرانی ضمن شیطان توصیف کردن رهبران ایران گفت “رهبران شیطان ایران نبایدبه سلاح هسته ای مجهز شوند .”
آیت الله علی خامنه ای رهبر جمهوری اسلامی ایران در خطبه نماز جمعه گفت: “اسرائیل غده سرطانی است که باید از میان برداشته شود.” او تاکید کرده بود که جمهوری اسلامی از هر گروهی که با اسرائیل بجنگد حمایت می کند.
در هفته های اخیر گمانه زنی ها در خصوص احتمال حمله نظامی اسرائیل به نیروگاه های اتمی ایران اوج گرفت. دلیل این گمانه زنی ها سخنان برخی از مسئولان اسرائیلی درباره برنامه اتمی ایران است.
اسرائیل و بخش بزرگی از جامعه جهانی می گویند که ایران در پی دستیابی به سلاح اتمی است؛ ادعایی که تهران آن را رد کرده و بر مسالمت آمیز بودن برنامه اتمی خود اصرار دارد.
پیش از پیروزی انقلاب اسلامی ایران در سال ۱۹۷۹، ایران و اسرائیل روابط حسنه ای با یکدیگر داشتندBREAKING NEWS – Security Forces Threaten to Arrest Opposition Leader Mir Hossein Mousavi’s Daughters

Kaleme reports that security forces who have in the past repeatedly threatened Mousavi’s daughters, this time contacted the daughters directly and threatened to arrest them, transfer them to prison or another location where no one will have any news of them. Furthermore, one of Mousavi’s daughters have been banned from activities at the university where she teaches.
No explanation has been provided to date regarding why Mousavi’s daughter has been banned from the university where she teaches. Despite numerous inquiries into the matter, it is unclear who is behind the order to ban Mousavi’s daughter and no one has taken responsibility for the ban. Mousavi’s daughter teaches art at the University of Alzahra. It is worth mentioning that the ban took place without any written notice, but Mousavi’s daughter was deleted from the university’s internet teaching system.
In the past year many of the supporters of the Green movement have been detained and imprisoned and their families have also endured extreme pressure. These pressures have included continued arrest of family members, repeated interrogations, interference with every day activities, threat to their lives, pressure and threat at work, being banned from leaving the country and even being banned from pursuing their careers or professions.
Last year, Mir Hossein Mousavi and Mehdi Karroubi requested a permit from the ruling government for a rally in support of the freedom fighting movements in the Middle East. Their request for a permit was not only denied, but the ruling government went as far as illegally detaining the two companions of the Green movement in their homes. In the past year Mousavi, Karroubi and Rahnavard have been deprived of the basic rights afforded all prisoners in Iran and their families have been denied the right to contact them by phone or to see them in person. They have been isolated, rendered incommunicado, kept in the dark with regards to the condition of their families, told lies and even prevented from attending the funeral of their loved ones.
Their arrest, the ambiguity regarding their location, their well being and the medicines they have been prescribed points to the possibility of dangerous scenarios designed to put their lives at risk.
Although in principle this illegal arrest is similar to all other questionable and illegal arrests that have taken place since 2009; arrests that were merely as the result of the commitment by Green activists and their sense of responsibility towards the challenges facing our nation, what makes it bizarre and unprecedented is the fact that an unjust political conflict has now entered the daily lives of family members of the arrested and detained. It goes without saying that given that Mousavi and Karroubi have repeatedly reiterated that they will remain true to their oath with the people and their family’s insistence to stand by their demand for justice, these type of tactics by the ruling government are fruitless and will lead to nothing more than short term and temporary gains.
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